Content Triangle
Developed by
What is it & why should you use it?
The content triangle can help you:
Contextualise your learning content
Make the learning content engaging and entertaining for the learners to consume
Be sharper about the elements you are using to make the content relatable to the learners
How to use it?
List down all the preferences of your target audience with respect to content consumption and daily life. Some of it may include:
Popular movies (old and newly released)
Favourite actors / characters
Situations in their daily life Eg: asking money from a friend
Characters from their daily life Eg: Their mother
Struggles they face Eg: Not being able to attend an interview
Next lay down the following:
What is the learning objective of this reel? Eg: Audience will be able to tell the difference between resume and cover letter at the end of this reel.
Is this relevant to their daily lives? What evidence do we have that shows that it is relevant to their lives?
What emotion(s) should the audience primarily experience? Eg: humour, motivated, fear
How can the target audience’s pain point be depicted to bring out this emotion?
Note: You may use these as guiding questions for your brainstorming session which would help you come up with a diverse list from different team members who may have observed the audience in different settings.
Once you have listed the above, pick which of them have a common theme and group them together for one week.
Combine the elements in points 1 & 2 to create your scripts for each learning objective and develop the content with the actors / creators from your team.
Post the content online and see how the audience responds. Make sure to analyse the data after you have posted the content to inform your understanding of the audience before your next brainstorming session.
Where was it used?
The/Nudge used it to design their reels and visual content for their Youth Awareness Project. You can read more about it here.
Use it in your context!
You can duplicate and use this template